
How to Pack Like a Pro



So. It's time to pack for your big vaycay. Congrats! You've booked your flights, your room, your are ready to go! You now face the toughest decision any girl ever has to make when traveling: WHAT DO I WEAR?!

Fear not, ladies (all right, and fashionable gents). I have compiled a few tips and tricks for you to help you pack like a pro.

I can't tell you how many times I've been in an airport and have seen women dressed to the nines, lugging around gigantic designer suitcases (with matching duffel bag and carry-on). They always look exasperated, frustrated, and generally even more unhappy than anyone else undoubtedly is in an airport. But it seems to me that, even more than that, they are so obviously unprepared for the rat race that is traveling.

So ladies (and gents), here are a few very basic pointers so that you won't be that lady huffing and puffing as she pulls her overstuffed, 70-pound customized Louis Vuitton luggage through the airport on a wheel and a prayer.

  1. Don't forget your maps!
    Pack your lifelines first. Before you think of anything else, pack your passport, tickets, emergency phone numbers, IDs, maps, and itineraries in your carry-on! These are your safety net; don't forget them!
  2. Then pack your unmentionables. Trust me, I have arrived on more than one occasion at my destination, flopped my suitcase on my hotel bed, unzipped it, and discovered that I had forgotten to pack underwear. One one very unfortunate instance--the last time--because it was the only choice, I had to wear a pair of my big sister's underwear. It was clean, but it still horrified me enough never to forget to pack them again. So my advice? Pack the undies, socks, bras, sports bras, hosiery, etc. right away. Because buying fashionable outfits while traveling is a lot more fun than trying to find undies. 
  3. Be reasonable. Are you going to Milan for Fashion Week? Are you filming a movie in Paris? No? Well if you're just traveling for the simple joy of seeing the world, don't worry yourself with fancy outfits, uncomfortable shoes, and delicate fabrics. But I'm not saying stuff that suitcase full of elastic waistbands and kitten sweatshirts, either. Pack comfortable, moderately fashionable, easily washable clothes that won't break your heart if they're lost, stolen, damaged, or forgotten in that dance club in Barcelona.
  4. Check the weather. Don't pack for a tropical vacation if you're going to Holland. Pack according to your destination's climate!
  5. Stick to the basics. No matter where I'm going, I always follow the 1-2-3-4-5 rule. If you follow it, you'll be able to mix-and-match when you get to your travel destination and you won't have to lug around a heavy suitcase. Note: If you're going on a longer stay trip, like study abroad, your list will have to be modified a bit. The house I stayed at in France had a teeny tiny washer that fit about two pairs of jeans, and no dryer, so doing laundry was a pain. After a while, I got used to wearing things until they were truly dirty. You will too. :)
      1. One suitcase (purse or briefcase doesn't count; those are free).
      2. Two pairs of shoes (one comfy-yet-somewhat-fashionable pair of sneakers and one pair of sandals or comfy heels, like wedges).
      3. Three dresses (two casual, one nice) or pairs of pants/shorts (or combination of these).
      4. Four shirts/blouses.
      5. Five accent pieces (cardigans/sweaters, necklaces, scarves, etc.). 
  6.  Roll, baby, roll! If you roll your clothes, you'll be able to fit more into your suitcase. Also, they're less likely to get smushed around and wrinkled.
  7. Stuff your bras...into your shoes. Stuff undies, socks, and sports bras into your shoes. It takes less space and helps your shoes keep their shape while in the suitcase.
  8. Heaviest at the bottom. Always put jeans, pants, shoes, and other sturdy items toward the side of the suitcase that has the wheels. Once you zip your suitcase and flip it upright, the heavier items will be on the bottom, sparing the more delicate items for the top.
  9. Wear glasses on the plane. Up in the air--especially if you're going to be on an overseas flight--the air gets really dry and icky. It does awful things to your skin and your eyes. So save your eyes and wear your glasses on the plane. Pop in the contacts when you've landed. BONUS: Without contacts, you'll be able to get some shut-eye without having to mess around with taking your contacts out.
  10. Wear heavier items on travel day. It's often cold up there in the air, so stay warm while saving space in your suitcase and wear sweatshirts, sweaters, jeans, and bulky shoes on the plane. BONUS: If you get hot, you can take off the sweater. Instant pillow!
  11. Don't buy the fancy luggage. Look for suitcases that are sturdy and have reinforced corners. No one working for TSA cares about your designer luggage; they're going to chuck them all the same. So go for reliability over fashion.
  12. Go easy on the toiletries. I am a hotel shampoo hoarder. That way, when I'm traveling, I can just throw the little samples in a Ziploc bag in my suitcase and go, no giant exploding shampoo bottles necessary. The same goes for perfume, deodorant, toothpaste, contact solution, etc. The travel-sized toiletry section at Target is your best friend here. Oh, and while you're there, pick up some of the Charmin To Go toilet paper packs. Seriously, those things saved my life in rural Italy. Buy them in bulk, along with some wet naps; travel is sometimes a nasty business.

For more great tips, check out 13 Travel Tips That Will Make You Feel Smart from Buzzfeed.

What are some tips and tricks you've learned from your travels? Please share them in the comments!

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