
Living on Gelato

I'm not even kidding. I lived on gelato for two straight weeks while in Italy, not because I was unable to get actual food, but because I think I became somewhat addicted to the delectable frozen treat. Don't ask me how much weight I gained. Don't you dare.

Italy was my very first trip abroad. I went there as a scrawny 15-year-old, naïve to the world and certainly unaware of the delicious, dream-like nectar of the gods the Italians like to call "gelato." Whenever people ask me about it, all I can really tell them is, "It's a frozen custard somewhere between ice cream and frozen yogurt." I think it might also include some element of heaven particles.

Trust me, it's freaking delicious.

I attempted to make it once before, but I was unfortunately unable to replicate the smooth, velvety texture I experienced in Italy. In fact, all I ended up with was a gloopy-gloppy mess. Quite the disappointment to realize that heaven will forever be thousands of miles away in some Italian freezer. :( If you'd like me to try again and post the results to the blog, let me know in the comments and perhaps I'll muster up the courage to try again...maybe.


This week, to celebrate Italian cuisine, I'll be trying a linguini with bacon, parmigiano, and asparagus. We'll see how it turns out! People have this very unfortunate misconception about Italian food, as if every pizza is akin to the monstrously greasy American adaptations, and everything is covered in sickeningly sweet, watery marinara sauce. As you can see, I have an issue with Americanized "Italian" food. And I'm not trying to be a food snob, but Italian food has integrity, and when we reduce such a rich culinary tradition to lasagna noodles smothered in Prego, it hurts my feelings. That's why I've developed this linguini recipe, to show you that Italians can have a good time without marinara sauce. Plus, Matt's been pestering me about cooking with bacon, so I thought it's probably time to give in. Until we try the linguini recipe, though, I'll give you a little taste of Italy in photos.

The Italian Parliament, affectionately called "The Birthday Cake." Great. Now I want cake. Is Lent over yet?!

The Trevi Fountain. All you Lizzie McQuire Movie fans from back in the day will know this one. :)

The view from inside the Roman coliseum.

Florence, the most beautiful city I've ever experienced. I got lost in the city, eventually found my way back to Il Duomo, and spent the rest of the day people watching while lapping up my melting cone of gelato on the steps. Best day ever.

Italy has the most beautiful cathedrals.

My torso in front of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. And yes, if you were standing where I'm standing in the photo, you'd see plenty of people obnoxiously putting their hands up to mimic holding up the tower.

Next post includes bacon! That's all you really need to know. :)

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